Check out these free, curated multiplication resources to help your church get started on the multiplication journey!
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Focusing on the specifics of helping churches identify where they are on the multiplication scale (Levels 1 – 5) and what’s needed to become a Level 5 multiplying church, in Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church, Todd Wilson and Dave Ferguson champion multiplication and equip future church multipliers to move beyond the prevailing addition-growth scorecards.
The bottom line, the authors say, is that we need to rethink the operating system that’s producing growth but not producing multiplication—and aim for more healthy Kingdom growth that’s focused on multiplication.

The Made for More Visual Guide provides a vision and roadmap for releasing the huge latent capacity that is pent up within the people of God.
This “read in an hour,” visually engaging, resource introduces and integrates three new frameworks to help shift your ministry from a volunteer based “we can do it you can help” approach to a “you can do it, we can help” missionary focused approach.

A simple disciple-making process that can be implemented by any person, at any time, in any place. The goal of The Gospel Disciple Life is to (re)discover the simplicity of Jesus and His ways by reading through the gospels in groups of three called micro-groups.

How Nearly Anyone Can Start a Microchurch offers practical ideas based on Scripture’s truths and examples as well as our context to help your friends encounter God and help you lead small groups or microchurches.
You can keep your job, remain in your home church, and still lead a small congregation of people who might not otherwise come to know God.