This webinar features content that our founder, Will Mancini, has been developing over the last several years from working with scores of churches.
If there's one thing we've learned after working with so many leaders, it's that many churches are really good at faking disciples rather than making disciples. Some of us are simply programming ourselves to death and don't see it. Some pastors do recognize it, and they are so fed up with the superficiality of program jockeying that they’re ready to reject church growth altogether with all the attendance-, program-, and purpose-drivenness that comes with it. That is a mistake.
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater!
If there is one thing we're sure of, it’s that the best way to grow your church is by growing your people. Here at Auxano, we're on the warpath for this principle, which we call “real church growth.” But there is a way of doing it well.