In this ongoing series, Auxano Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Lead Navigator Jim Randall is interviewed by Gary Moritz, Church Revitalization Futurist, Strategist, Professor, and pastor of City United Church in Boston.
In this episode - the fourth in a series - Gary and Jim discuss the next step in developing a Kingdom Concept.
Here are a few of the main ideas from the podcast:
- The Kingdom Concept is the component of a clarity process where a church is uncovering how they are different than 10,000 other churches.
- This whole Kingdom Concept really is about capturing the uniqueness of your church in order to propel your church forward.
- They are very specifically our local predicament or our place where God's placed us as a church, our collective potential, which is the people that God has gathered together in our church, and then our apostolic esprit or the passion that we have in what we would like to see fulfilled through our church.
- Before beginning on the Kingdom Concept, we’re really working off the assumption that glorifying God and making disciples is a non-negotiable.
- To begin pulling the three areas above together, we’re going to work through four key things that are all tied together.
- The first one is your church's signature story or maybe a key verse or both. The second is an amplified sentence of our kingdom concept. The third is a short phrase, and then the last is, how would you say that in one word?
- What's really cool is as a team that's working through this, now all of a sudden you have this powerful shared language that everyone is on the same page with, everyone is excited about.
- If a team will work hard at putting a kingdom concept together, now you've got a vision team that are about to take off on this journey, and they're in the same vehicle and they know their destination and they're going in the same direction.
> Listen to the podcast: https://www.thechurchvitalitynetwork.com/podcasts/vitalnomics-the-church-vitality-podcast/episodes/2148101709
> To employ an honest assessment of your vision language, download your copy of Auxano’s tool for breakthrough leaders: The Vision Headwaters TeamUP.