In this ongoing series, Auxano Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Lead Navigator Jim Randall is interviewed by Gary Moritz, Church Revitalization Futurist, Strategist, Professor, and pastor of City United Church in Boston.
In this episode - the third in a series - Gary and Jim discuss the mega-shift needed to think about revitalization and how to bring a Kingdom Concept to find vitality in a shifting culture.
Here are a few of the main ideas from the podcast:
- Today it could not be any more true that we don't know what we don't know.
- When the COVID pandemic came, every church had to start thinking about revitalization through the world of regathering, through the word of re-engaging through the world of introducing people far from God in their community when their own church community was no longer in church.
- One of the key aspects for a church to have vitality begins with the church having clarity or includes the church having clarity for sure.
- The kingdom concept is that you want to think about a simple, clear, big idea that defines how your church will glorify God and make disciples.
- Think of it as your church's great permission within the great commission.
- What we're asking is what differentiates us from 10,000 other churches - not what makes us better than 10,000 other churches - all in building the kingdom. That's what we're about, is building the kingdom. But what differentiates us in that role and responsibility of helping to build the kingdom.
- The Kingdom concept will help us uncover our uniqueness in three realms of local predicament, collective potential, and apostolic esprit.
- The local predicament is what are the unique needs and opportunities where God has placed you, where God has placed your church? And so on this particular one, we want to think in terms of place, we want to think of our community, like our geographic footprint.
- One of my favorite questions for local predicament personally is I love hearing a team answer, “What is the atmosphere of lostness where you lived?”
- Collective potential is about our people and our congregation. What are the unique resources and capabilities that God brings together in us collectively as a church?
- Apostolic esprit is what makes our leadership excited, what gets our leadership excited.
> To employ an honest assessment of your vision language, download your copy of Auxano’s tool for breakthrough leaders: The Vision Headwaters TeamUP.