January is a natural and necessary time of year to cast a compelling vision. There’s only one problem.
In 2022 the stakes are as high as they have ever been to reengage and reenergize your congregation. This is not the year to slack off in preparation for your new year vision casting moments.
In Auxano’s recent CAST Webinar, Senior Lead Navigator Bryan Rose shows how to craft a meaningful, engaging, and even viral vision moment for your church. Bryan gave leaders a fresh and practically simple framework to communicate a compelling picture of God’s better future for your church in 2022.
The brand new content of this Future Casting Webinar from Auxano will remind you that “visionary” is more of a leadership discipline for all, not just a leadership gifting for a few. You will establish a rhythm for vision communication and master a simple yet powerful framework for structuring this critical moment.
Use this form to receive all the resources from the webinar, including a video replay.
You have a vision, so don’t settle for less in your vision communication. Be a part of the CAST webinar today.