Auxano | Episode 11 - Jay Cull: Disciples Are Made Through Personal…

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Episode 11 - Jay Cull: Disciples Are Made Through Personal Calling Not Church Programming


A few breakthrough ideas from Jay:

  • The church is here to help accomplish what God wants to do in your life.
  • In the Younique process, we are helping the individual say, “Hey, how do I be a disciple that makes disciples different than the person next to me?”
  • How do we have a person who knows how to help many folks reproduce so we can have an exponential movement?
  • I want to activate healthy, Spirit-led reproductive leaders that lead communities that change communities. That’s what I want to get after.
  • Are we deploying people into their calling through this Younique process by helping them find their two words and attributing all the rest of the clarity to that?
  • We’ve taught people how to coach and disciple others. Younique happens to be a great process, a context to help folks become trainers.
  • In 30 seconds, what if I could get to the heart of what’s going on with my neighbor? And not because they have the same language, but because I understand how to get to their core.
  • Be a person of the Scriptures. Don’t just master them, let them master you.
  • Be a person of prayer. Learn how to have a conversation with God until just it’s normal.

> Listen to the podcast here.