Auxano | Full Strength Leadership

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Full Strength Leadership


2021 will be an exciting time to serve in the local church!

There are some challenges for sure as our political, social, and physical worlds are always changing. But amid this uncertainty lies the hope of gospel-fueled clarity. Getting everyone in your congregation on the same page has never been harder... but a unified body of believers has also never had more potential for impact!

So what can a leader do to maximize the effectiveness of everyone who calls their church home?

Auxano kicked off our 2021 Future Casting Webinar series by examining three collaboration skills that will propel proactive planning and missional progress in a season of constant change. These are not hard skills to acquire, but they require prayer, discipline, and new communication levels among every leader and member of your church.

Here is what you will learn:

  • A frank look at eight challenges facing every church leader.
  • Three skills of collaboration designed to align everyone vision and boost their effectiveness
  • One tool that can set a rhythm of planning and progress for everyone in 2021
  • Auxano’s newest thought leadership toward making pandemic-season disciples in the local church.

Auxano Senior Lead Navigator Clint Grider was the host of this Auxano Future Casting Webinar.

Discover more and bring your leadership up to maximum effectiveness now!

Sign up for this webinar replay and accompanying resources by completing the form on this page.