Actual statistics vary, but we know that a large majority, as many as 85% in some studies, of evangelical churches in the US average at or less than 200 attendees each week. Churches who will personally respond to their community’s spiritual and mental health needs over the next few months of COIVD-19 recovery will make a difference for eternity, no matter their size.
Auxano remains convinced God wants to do even more with this 85% of churches than any of us have yet to ask or imagine!
On Thursday, June 25, at 11:00 am CDT, Auxano Navigators Mike Gammill and Bryan Rose are hosting a webinar designed specifically for churches reaching from 50+ people each week:
How SMALL Churches Will Have BIG Impact Post-COVID-19
(without burning out volunteers or emptying the bank account)
You don’t have to be facing the 200 or 400 barriers to experience vision-driven unity and the excitement of a church alive with renewed purpose. God has, and will always, use His followers to create exponential impact far beyond themselves. This webinar is open for churches of all sizes, but our focus will be on those creating big impact from small places!