Chances are, as a leader you’re a reader because you know this is a crucial way to hone those leadership skills. You know how critical reading is in the life of a leader. But you know how it is: With the pace of life, it's hard to cover all of the bases when great new content is always coming at the speed of light.

Auxano met this challenge by providing the best book excerpt product for eight years.
Get SUMS Remix Prior Issues here
In 2015 we took our two-year-old, existing book summary tool to a whole new level: We launched SUMS Remix. Every other week we provide, not ONE, but THREE book excerpts all focused around solving a practical church leadership problem.
Since its launch in 2013, we have released 227 SUMS and SUMS Remix issues (including six special "commissioned" issues), covering 574 book excerpts, each accompanied by specific Go Ahead actions designed for church leaders to put into immediate action.
Now you can get ALL past issues of the best book excerpt tool ever created…
6 years’ worth.
The prior issues of SUMS Remix from the years 2015-2020 have been bundled into six digital “bookshelves” – one for each of our primary services – and made available for purchase!
Each bookshelf contains all SUMS Remix issues related to that specific service. Each bookshelf is a PDF, containing links to download each issue.
We are making these available to purchase for $30 per bookshelf. When you buy two or more, the price is $24 per bookshelf.
To review bookshelves, visit the main page here, or the individual pages below: