Here’s one challenging question:
What if regathering everyone onsite for worship shouldn’t be the highest priority of your leadership right now?
This is NOT an advocation for discontinuing or minimizing in-person weekend worship, far from it. But what if we were to stop and consider the idea that much of the effort and energy presently spent trying to rally everyone back into one room for weekend worship, may not be time well spent for you and your team. With case numbers rising, and no sign of an “after election” pandemic dissipation, efforts toward filling a room could be in vain. At best, we will likely settle for some incremental increase in attendance.
What then might happen if we shifted the focus of our energies from getting everyone in one room to getting everyone in one heart and mind about our mission?
How could your community be impacted if you made a leader-shift in thinking from people consolidation to people distribution?
At the end of the day, the time and resources spent trying to engage everyone in the congregation may actually be more effective when focused outward than inward. Gathering in worship will always be an essential part of spiritual growth and community, but living every day on mission will have an immeasurable impact for eternity.
Auxano Senior Lead Navigator Bryan Rose hosted a webinar Thursday, November 12 on Making Your Mission Matter. Next in our series of Future Casting Webinars, he will unpacked the five big reasons your mission doesn’t matter, as well as shared one tool, built around two critical questions, designed to activate the mission across your congregation.
In person worship is important, and vital to your church’s growth. But living the mission every day, and having the mission matter to each member, is critical to your church’s maturity.
This workshop has already been held, but if you would like more information on how to make your mission matter in 2021, use this form to receive a webinar recording link and other resources.