Start 2022 with a visionary disciple-making plan to create a micro-group strategy for making disciples that make disciples.
While a select few churches have seen a “full” return to in person ministry on their church campus, most are seeing a long tail when it comes to engagement and in-person ministry participation. Further, many churches have seen a 15%-30% turnover in attendance over the last 18 months. If there was ever a time for a new thing, now is it.
This is where author and Senior Lead Navigator, David Putman can help. He can walk you and your leadership through a series of conversations that can help your team create and implement a micro-group disciple-making strategy that can complement what’s already working and/or replace what’s not.
Watch David and Senior Lead Navigator Mike Gammill as they introduce you to the concepts of micro-group disciple-making, as well as offering two different paths to implement it for your church.
Register now to learn more about how to embrace the Church’s disciple-making mission!