Have you ever “hit the wall” in an athletic endeavor? What about in church leadership?
"Hit the wall” moments happen when your energy to accomplish a task or calling becomes fully depleted, leaving you feeling like you cannot move forward. Marathon runners prepare mentally and physically to break through that wall to complete the race. In the same way, pastors experience “hit the wall” moments in church leadership that require breakthrough.

Maybe the Apostle Paul even thought back to his breakthrough moments as he penned 1 Timothy 4:7.
When the wall looms large, are you prepared to break through in your leadership?
Where will you turn when the next steps no longer seem clear?
We’ve been talking about “breakthrough clarity” for church leaders at Auxano for quite a while. It has been a part of our DNA since our founding almost 20 years ago. In a recent conversation, Auxano Co-founder and CEO Jim Randall had this to say about those moments of breakthrough and the benefits of “Clarity First” thinking:
The work is in the preparation and in the journey. Breakthrough happens in the struggle for clarity, the wrestling for what truly produces effectiveness for you and your church. Breakthrough doesn’t just happen; it cannot occur without clarity first.
When Jesus said, “I know him because I am from him, and he sent me,” His mission found formation out of clarity in His identity and calling. The power of clarity kept Jesus steadfast, able to resist temptation, free from distraction, and even sustained Him in the garden ahead of the cross. It gave Jesus the clarity He needed to be driven and steadfast.
If we’re going to model the leadership of Jesus, we should seek to have the same confidence of clarity that Jesus had in our lives and in our churches. He knew who He was, whose He was, and He knew the mission God wanted Him to fulfill.
Because of this, Clarity First is more than a core value for Auxano. Our most profound passion is helping pastors and church leaders break through the walls that arise in every season of ministry. There are plenty of theorists and celebrities out there in the church consulting space, talking in tweets and spouting statistics, but Auxano is the first and only Clarity First partner for church leaders. Here are five ways clarity brings breakthrough in ministry:
Clarity keeps you centered.
Clarity keeps you focused.
Clarity keeps you engaged.
Clarity keeps you disciplined.
Clarity keeps you moving.
Next time your energy wanes and the ministry wall looms large, return to your mission, to the Great Commission, and then press on… with Clarity First.
If it’s time to renew the clarity calling of your church’s mission or even recast a compelling vision of the future, we’re here to help! Our team of Navigators leads with process and tools to create breakthrough clarity with your team, to realize God’s better future.