What if “Church Growth” is what’s stunting your church’s growth?
As leaders, we have a tendency to drift back toward what has worked before or what is working at other churches. But the reality is, in 2023, what has worked before and what works somewhere else may not work for your church. We cannot continue to trade on programming of the past or mimic other models if we hope to make disciples who make disciples of the next generation. The old church growth tactics only lead to more programming with less engagement.
It’s time to shift your leadership focus away from addition and employ the first-century practice of multiplication.
In February's Clarity First webinar, Auxano Senior Lead Navigators David Putman and Mike Gammill challenged the prevalent “more is more” habits that keep your church trapped in activity instead of maturity.
In this second Clarity First webinar of 2023, you can discover a journey toward:
- Moving from being the hero to becoming a hero maker
- Employing process to make disciples who make disciples
- Joining other leaders who seek to plant churches that plant churches
- Releasing an army of missionaries not recruiting an army of volunteers
David is a renowned discipleship author and thinker who dedicated his life to help pastors stop hosting church events and start launching gospel missionaries. Mike is a team-building specialist with a heart for catalytic movements. They teamed up to encourage you to change your disciple-making scorecard and see 100X impact for the gospel of Christ.
Release your good mission mindset of “come and run programs” and return to the Great Commission mandate to “go and make disciples.”
What are you waiting for? The webinar may be over, but for a limited time you can still sign up to view the webinar and receive all the resources referenced and start your multiplication journey.
Replay options for this Clarity First webinar are limited, so sign up today!