Watch Auxano Senior Lead Navigator David Putman as he challenges the prevalent “more is more” habits that keep your church trapped in activity instead of maturity.
#1: Examine the Biblical Foundations of Multiplication
Team Questions:
- How does Mark 4:8 & 13 challenge your perception of addition versus multiplication at church?
- David asserts that this parable is a picture of how the kingdom grows by multiplication. How do you agree or disagree?
#2 Learn Exponential's 5 Levels of Church Growth
Team Questions:
- What’s the difference between addition and multiplication when it comes to church growth?
- Why is reproduction critical to growing healthy churches?
Click here to jump into this collaborative team training and move towards Level 5 growth.
#3 Challenge the Status Quo in Established Churches
Team Questions:
- Where is the greatest harvest field for established churches seeking to make disciples?
- What are the two types of changes that happen in the local church? Which did Jesus lead?
#4 Understand the Three Magnets that Affect Your Disciple-making Growth
Team Questions:
- Which magnetic force affects the multiplication dreams of your church right now? Why?
- In what ways has your church purposefully, or inadvertently, chosen addition over multiplication?
#5 Address the Three Dimensions of Disciple-making to Take Next Steps
Team Questions:
- Which of the “three dimensions of disciple-making” need the most work in your church today?
- What one next step will you take to multiply deployed disciple-makers?