At the end of the day, most pastors know that if good teaching and preaching was all that was necessary to experience spiritual transformation, while also mobilizing the people of God, the American Church would be in great shape right now. In addition, we’ve never had more access to more solid content than we do at this exact moment; there’s a seemingly endless number of sermon podcasts with solid teachers.
But we know that while teaching is important, it’s still limited in what it can do!
What we’d like to suggest to you is a seismic shift needs to happen in the church where we don’t lose teaching as vital, but we move to being Training and Sending Centers. How would we accomplish such a thing? Where would we start? What would it look like practically?
This is “hot-off-the-presses content” and if you’ve spent any time with Doug Paul on a webinar or in person, you know this is will be a “can’t miss webinar.”
This webinar will be Thursday, February 28 at 11:30AM ET.