Does it feel like you are driving in circles, simply sustaining programs? Or are you leading with confidence from the freeways of disciple-making?
If you cannot answer that question with clarity and confidence, go ahead and make plans to engage Auxano’s next Clarity First webinar.
For the Turbo-Charged Discipleship webinar, Auxano CEO and Co-founder Jim Randall leveraged almost 20 years of church consulting experience and unpacked the five principles that fuel a high-performance disciple-making engine in your church.
Your car’s engine holds all the power necessary to help it function. The difference between high-performance and just getting-by always comes down to the fuel system. So, what is propelling gospel movement at your church? Is it more programs that only add people here and there, or are you fueled by the multiplication of disciples that make disciples?
In this team-centric webinar experience you will:
- Gain understanding to align and accelerate every leader in your church.
- Learn how to do more than maintain attendance, by driving transformation and life change.
- Access simple questions that will energize your entire church toward Great Commission living.
Invest one hour with your team to maximize every minute by making disciple-makers and lead with Clarity First.
Ministry is too challenging to spin your leadership wheels or drive in programmatic circles. Register now to view the webinar and resources and then buckle up for some turbo-charged discipleship!