Here’s who you should vote for this year: your congregation! Of course there is a national, presidential election taking place and you should undeniably make your voice, and your values, heard in THAT election.
But leaders, we also have a chance to place a vote of confidence in our people this season.
- We can side with them on the core issues for equipping spiritual maturity.
- We can campaign for lives of missional significance wherever they live, work, study, and play.
- We can politic for heightened awareness of those without Christ in their sphere of influence.
- We can poll them on matters of eternal significance in order to lead them well.
- We can debate the most effective way to form lasting identity in Christ above all else.
All of these actions can happen, but they all require vision. Not a vision statement, but a clear, compelling, and catalytic calling toward meaningful impact in 2021 as the body of Christ.
Many of you have cast your vote, as well as your vision. You’ve established a strong picture of God’s better future and you’re ready to pull the lever for your people in 2021. The entire Auxano team stands together, cheering you on!
Some of you may still be undecided. You’re wavering on what might actually engage people and result in needed recovery next year. You may need some inspiration, guidance, or a trusted advisor in this journey. The Auxano team sits poised to help you navigate your unique situation.
If you’re a church at or around 300 attenders (pre-COVID or today) and would like to jump in our Small Church Big Vision Virtual Cohort, there’s still time! Click here for more details and to register.
If you don’t fit the Cohort parameters above, let’s talk and see how Auxano can help customize a vision development journey with you and your leadership team. Start the conversation here.
One thing that is not contentious or up for debate this year… our nation needs the Church to be Jesus more than ever before. We’re praying for your visionary leadership in and through 2021 - the year of RENEWAL!