One of the biggest challenges of church leadership is gaining an accurate understanding of your congregation. The truth is you don’t know what you don’t know. How do you move past anecdotal stories and optimistic assumptions to base decisions on real data? The Auxano RealTime Survey will provide incomparable value by shedding light on your congregation in ways you didn’t know were possible.
Survey Benefits
- Obtain a fresh demographic snapshot of your congregation.
- Compare demographic trends for your congregation and your community in view of recent growth (typically 2 years).
- Establish a benchmark of ministry involvement.
- Uncover obstacles to assimilation in the ministry involvement.
- Create a listening mechanism for directional decision-making.
- Increase vision ownership within attenders.
- Enhance your leadership credibility.
I haven't seen a tool like the RealTime Survey in my 30 years of ministry. The power of leading with facts, not assumptions, will blow you away. I highly recommend the investment for any pastor of any size church. - Drew Tucker, Executive Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church
Customized, Specific, and Actionable
The survey itself is comprised of approximately 40 questions. There are 38 baseline questions that are
customized to fit unique context and strategy. In addition, your church will have the ability to add 2
strategic direction questions that are completely unique to you and your congregation. The answers to
these questions will provide specific feedback on growth challenges or opportunities you may be facing.
Process and Results
Step 1: We design the survey with your team.
Step 2: You implement the survey realtime during all worship services.
Step 3: We input data, crank out results, and pour over any important variances.
Step 4: We unpack results and prioritize action steps with your team.
Auxano will deliver a top twenty observations and recommendations report
(approximately 20 pages in length) based on the results of your survey.You will also
have access to the cross tabulated data should you wish to discover further data
by mining on your own. The Auxano team will facilitate an approximate three-hour
session with your leadership and communications teams to understand the results,
review the observations, and discuss the recommended action steps.
The RealTime Survey helped us gain amazing insight into our congregation. The results allowed us to significantly improve how we communicate vision and we used it to guide the development of a comprehensive discipleship ministry. - Walter Guillaume, Executive Pastor, First Baptist Dallas
knowing how many people started attending in the last two years and who they are.
tracking your actual conversion percentage year after year.
seeing how things like drive time or length of time attending affects small group involvement.
uncovering precisely why people aren’t more involved in service.
learning exactly how many people are involved in duplicate ministry activities.
discovering the topics that people are really most interested in for sermon series.
gauging the interest and opinions of your people regarding new service times, multi-site locations, service styles and any other new initiatives.