As Auxano celebrates our 20th Anniversary this year, we’re excited to announce an important new addition to our team of Navigators.
Beginning with our May 2024 Vision Planning Certification, Leah Abel joins Auxano as a Network Navigator and our Strategist Training Lead. Leah’s private consulting practice and leadership experience in the local church make her an ideal point person for our future strategist training initiatives.
As Auxano continues to train and equip network and denominational leaders, Leah brings a new, energizing perspective to our Vision Planning, Vision Framing, and Vision Leading certification events. She will ensure that we continue to design trustworthy experiences that fuel ministry by navigating clarity for churches of all sizes.
You can read more about Leah on our Auxano team page here.
The whole Auxano team continues to be thankful for this calling to navigate clarity first vision with leaders like you. Leah will help us continue to grow and glorify Christ together. As we all look to God’s better future, please know that we are praying and pulling for each of you!