Does your church primarily make disciples through small groups or Sunday School?
When you answer the disciple-making question above, you have given an either/or answer to a both/and question.
In reality, your disciple-making efforts should be a both/and/and/and value of your church.
We unpacked that last statement in our July Future Casting webinar - but don't worry, we've got you covered!
Learn about the places of disciple-making in your church with a brand-new tool, the dmEnvironments Radar.
Complete the information form to receive a video of the webinar, a PDF with the presentation slides, and additional follow-up resources.

Sometimes this or that gets you where you need to go. But other times you’d be better off following the path of both this and that…and that…and that.
We cannot create complete disciples when we believe we must answer either/or to a both/and question.