Auxano | 112823


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Multipliers Journey - RDU Session Listening Guide

As a network, denomination, and/or a church-planting church leader in North Carolina, you have been invited to this special gathering to preview and discuss an all-new process toolbox from Auxano and Exponential. We’ve designed this process to mobilize churches into church planting (or for churches already engaged in planting: to fuel 10X impact!).

Download the Listening Guide here.

Multipliers Journey - Take Your First Step on the MJ Pathway

There are two essentials for every journey:

  1. Understand the pathway.
  2. Take the first step.

Based on your leadership role, your first step starts below:

Church Leaders: Talk with David or Jim about a Multipliers Journey co::Lab for your church. Network/Denomination Leaders: Talk with David or Jim about a Multipliers Journey process for your organization.