Auxano | Measuring with a New Scorecard in Church Revitalization

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Measuring with a New Scorecard in Church Revitalization

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In this ongoing series, Auxano Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Lead Navigator Jim Randall is interviewed by Gary Moritz, Church Revitalization Futurist, Strategist, Professor, and pastor of City United Church in Boston.

In this episode - the eighth in a series - Gary continues the discussion with Jim Randall about the five irreducible questions of leadership, particularly how it fits in with church revitalization. They discuss measuring the inputs, outcomes, and impacts and the scorecard that churches should be measuring. They also discuss how many outcomes or output results should a church have, along with how a pastor/ministry leader crafts a set of outcomes that will help change what their church is currently measuring.

Here are a few of the main ideas from the podcast:

  • A church that is focused on revitalization truly is measuring more than just attendance. And so the question then is what should we be measuring?
  • We should be measuring disciples, we should be measuring the number of people sent.
  • Input results is the first type of metric. The second type of metric is what we would call output result. The third one is called impact results.
  • An impact result captures the broader ripple effect in the community, city, state and world. That is the ripple effect from your input results and your output results and the effort and the energy that you're putting into that.
  • We’ve got to change our scorecard. We got to stop just measuring attendance, giving, maybe baptism, which by the way, baptism does speak to spiritual transformation.
  • What does a multiplying church measure? That's the first question. In other words, what should our church be measuring as an input result?
  • What kind of disciple does a multiplying church make?
  • There's a lot to developing outcomes, but when you get it down, it becomes transformative for your ministry.
  • I believe you can aspire toward impact results, but I think that impact results are something that you recognize after you achieve it. It's a byproduct of those input and output results being effective.

> Listen to the podcast:

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